The most important part of my fitness program is exercise. I believe that the majority of canine weight problems can be dramatically improved with just exercise alone. I usually do a brisk walk with my group for about one hour everyday, which translates into about 3 miles of walking. To increase my endurance, I walk with either a loaded backpack (see above and below) or I drag weight with a harness and chains every other day. For my cardio workout I jog about 3 or 4 times a week for about 30 minutes with adequate warm up and cool down periods to keep my muscles from cramping up.

The second most important part of my fitness program is diet. As I said before, I'm a really easy-keeper, plus I tend to be a little greedy when it comes to food. In order to keep myself feeling full, while also cutting back on calories, I eat a low-fat dry kibble mixed with a half a can of green beans.

Snacking is one of my major vices, but just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't have snacks every once and awhile or even everyday. The important thing is to cut back on high-calorie, high-fat snacks. I only eat a little of these right after a workout or right after a race to replenish my energy, but don't over do it!

For daily snacking, you can eat fresh fruits or vegetables (carrots, celery, apples, bananas etc), or my personal favorite, ice cubes.

So, that's my fitness program in a nutshell. It's very simple and easy to follow and I guarantee it will work for you too.
Wish I was satisfied by a few ice cubes :-).