On day two Fecni joined the rest of the Champions for the specialty and showed very well, although she did not make the final cut. Judge Mark Golden was presiding that day and, despite Gil's efforts to squelch his chances of winning by refusing to free stack at the end of the down and back, he gave Gil his third Grand Champion leg by going Champion of Champions. This time Willow took the reserve award even though she too was doing her best to show poorly. After the shows Gil amazed us all by earning 10 more points towards his UWPCH and pulling a new personal record. He also took another second place in his weight class. Unfortunately he had a small equipment malfunction so his brand new harness will have to be repaired before it can be used again.
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures from the weekend. The only excuse I have is that I didn't nearly expect to get the kinds of results we did so I didn't bring my camera. Darn!
**Update 06/30/10**
Turns out Bill Hemby caught a candid of Gil and me in the Best in Show ring right before his big win: